A structured literacy programme for any young person or adult with poor literacy
Linguistic phonics/Speech to Print
Aimed teens & adults both in and out of formal education & primary/secondary transition
Improved reading & spelling
Progress is quick - not expected to spend more than 2 terms on the programme
Structured Lessons - laid back delivery
Delivered by anyone with solid literacy skills & an affinity for both the TRT ethos & sound to print approach
Training - online in your own time (some on-site options available)
Support - online, social media, email
This is a complete package of training & resources £170 per person
Available world wide - shipping extra
Resources not sold separately

Not a programme but a spelling approach for any student in any subject and/or follow-on from TRT
Linguistic phonics/Speech to print plus everyday morphology for vocabulary growth
Aimed at secondary and post-16 can be adapted for students from about 9/10 and up
Improved spelling & increased vocabulary - impacting reading comprehension
Progress - cumulative - not a reading intervention
Whole class or small group
Unstructured - fit any classroom or teacher
Delivered by any teacher in a class situation - intervention teacher should be an experienced TRT tutor
Self-led study of the book, That Spelling Thing
Support is bookable for a fee - for active TST schools only
We encourage taking a 'book club' approach to spelling CPD
Available worldwide from Amazon in your country
Resource ideas but you create your own